Duty of care for private playgrounds: What owners need to know
Today on the blog of Hochheiden Hausverwaltung, your experienced partner for property management, we are addressing a topic that is of great importance to all property owners with private playgrounds: the duty of care. Providing a playground is a wonderful way to increase the value of a home and bring joy to children. However, running a private playground also comes with important responsibilities, particularly ensuring the safety of young users. In this article, we explain what is meant by the duty to ensure public safety and how you as the owner can fulfil this duty.

What is the traffic safety obligation?
The duty to ensure public safety refers to the legal obligation of owners or operators to ensure that their property does not pose a risk to the health or lives of others. In the context of a private playground, this means that all necessary measures must be taken to ensure that the play equipment and the playground itself are safe for the children who use it.
Implementation of the traffic safety obligation
Owners should consider the following steps in order to fulfil their duty to ensure the safety of a private playground:
Regelmäßige Inspektion: Playground equipment and the entire facility should be checked regularly for potential hazards such as worn parts, loose screws or sharp edges
Maintenance and repairs: Any defects or damage found during inspections must be repaired immediately to ensure the safety of the play equipment
Safety standards: When purchasing and installing new play equipment, care should be taken to ensure that it meets current safety standards and is suitable for the intended age group
Documentation: Alle durchgeführten Inspektionen, Wartungsarbeiten und Reparaturen sollten sorgfältig dokumentiert werden. Diese Aufzeichnungen können im Falle eines Unfalls als Nachweis dienen, dass der Eigentümer seiner Verkehrssicherungspflicht nachgekommen ist
The role of supervision
In addition to the physical safety of the play equipment and the playground, supervision also plays an important role. Property owners should emphasise that children should be supervised by an adult when playing, especially when younger children are involved. Clearly communicating this expectation to parents can help prevent accidents and increase playground safety.
A private playground can be a valuable asset to any residential complex, but it also comes with responsibilities. Compliance with the duty of care is crucial to ensure the safety of the children using it and to minimise the risk of accidents. Through regular inspections, careful maintenance and adherence to safety standards, owners can ensure that their playground provides a safe and enjoyable environment for all.
Hochheiden Property Management is on hand to help you fulfil your public safety obligations and ensure that your private playground meets the highest safety standards.
Do you have questions about the duty of care for private playgrounds or do you need professional support in managing your property? Contact us - we are here to support you with our expertise and experience.
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